Brenda has been a life changer and saver!! Prior to meeting Brenda, I was extremely picky and had very limited food options. I did not eat any vegetables and knew my diet although fine with me, was not the healthiest. I reached out to her to try and get some help with exploring new foods. Since texture has always been an issues for me, I never thought I would get the results that I did. Today, not only do I LOVE vegetables but I now have more food options than I could’ve ever imagined. Not only have I seen a difference but it’s a running joke in my family about how Brenda has changed my life for the better! Our sessions are always light hearted, fun, and helpful. I know I can talk to her with no judgement and pure understanding. I look forward to my sessions with her every time, even after 3 years. There is no one better than her! — Gina